Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Alright, alright, alright! Let's get this ball rollin again!

I will admit that I have yet to blog about the last two weddings of 2010....oops! Those will be up soon, I promise :) 2010 was a very good year for me, full of many changes, many of which life changing. 2011 is off to a great start in a new, beautiful studio in GORGEOUS Belmont Shores. Keep a lookout for the first wedding kicking off the new year which just so happens to be Trini's niece :) awww. Blog will be soon to follow...seriously this time! I've been a bit distracted by my new job in Huntington Beach where I work at Hairmasters Salon :) but juggling both careers should be a piece of cake for me since they are both enjoyable and barely feel like work :p lucky me! But I will be sure to keep the blog updated once the weddings start coming around! The year is already flying by so fast everyone, cherish every moment!

Check back soon for new posts!

Here's a sneak peak!
